Henrik Ø. Breitenbauch

Organization: University of Copenhagen, Centre for Military Studies, Department for Political Science 

Henrik Ø. Breitenbauch is a Senior Researcher and Centre Director at the Centre for Military Studies at Copenhagen University and PhD in Political Science (International Relations) from the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

Before the inception of the CMS this he was Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Head of Institute (ad interim) at the Danish Institute for Military Studies (DIMS) and before that with the section for defence and security studies at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

In policy, Dr. Breitenbauch's main focus is with strategy, including processes for strategy development, the connection between the military and political levels, strategic thought in the long term and the connection between civilian and military capacities in complex operational environments.

At the DIMS he authored the reports "Compass and Contract. For a Danish National Security Strategy" (in Danish); "Never Gonna Give You Up? Experiences with Ending Conscription in France, the Netherlands, Latvia and Slovakia" (with Henrik Jedig Jørgensen); and "Denmark's Need for Fighter Aircraft. A Strategic Analysis of the Future Need for Danish Fighter Aircraft" (with Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen).

In 2008 he was on loan to Defence Command Denmark which sent him to Allied Command Transformation where he served as lead writer on the Multiple Futures Project core team. This futures study became the blueprint for the ongoing process towards a new Strategic Concept in NATO.